Make an Email correctly

  1. Decide the usage of this email

You can’t use the same key for all doors, this makes it easy for anyone to access all your life once they get a hold of this little key. this is exactly what it’s like for emails and passwords.


Make an email for work, another for social media, a third for shopping, fourth for application etc.

This is important for your security because:

  1. One of the websites/services you signed up for could be breached, leading to leaking of user data (Which had happened to Facebook, Yahoo, NordVPN etc.), so, do you really want to risk having your password or even more sensitive data leaked and published for a price (leaked data get bought in the Black Market)

  2. To continue with leakage scenario; first thing you will do is probably end your subscription for this website/service, feeling compelled to delete the whole email, which should probably happen, but what about your other subscription and data?

    This is why having separate emails makes it easy to control your data with minimum loss.

2. Use a reliable Email provider (especially for you sensitive data):


Secure Email Providers

these services provide emails to one or more users (websites even) that encrypts emails between its senders. This means that whatever between one or more users of “Secure emails” is encrypted, if it is between You (Secure) and Another person (Not secure) then it is only secure at YOUR End.

Making a good username and STRONG Password makes you lesser to be hacked over email

So, lets say your name is: Magda Ahmed

Making an email that is: m_ahmed or ma.ahmed is MORE SECURE than

Good Password is:

  • 16+ character

  • Capital Letters

  • small letters

  • Numb3rs

  • Symbols *&#$

  • NOT Dictionary Friendly