Mesahat for Sexual and Gender Diversity

“Mesahat” was established on Sep 5th ,2015 for working on identifying and reducing security risks and eliminate the social obstacles that faced by sexual and gender diversities in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan) and to create appropriate means and tools for Queer Activists to carry on their work safely and contribute to creating a nourished and effective Queer societies.



Creating a society free of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan).


Create safe spaces and provide appropriate means and tools for sexual and gender diversities in the Nile Valley Area to fight for their rights and dignity.



Safe Spaces

To create safe spaces for sexual and gender diversities in the Nile Valley Area

Appropriate Tools

To provide appropriate means and tools to empower and build the capacity of Queer activists in the Nile Valley region (Egypt & Sudan) and reduce risks that they face

Raising Awareness

To raise awareness on the importance of fighting against homophobia & Transphobia or any forms of violence or discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan)

We work on 3 programms


Leadership and Capacity Building

  • Building the Capacities & Leadership Skills of the Current or Prospective Queer Youth leaders in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan).

  • Leadership Assessment through Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses.

  • Trainings and workshops

  • Provide security and safety Plans & assessments.

  • Facilitate communication and networking between Sudanese and Egyptian LGBTQI activists and digital security experts and NGO’s for continuous support and follow up.

  • Provide Training on Personal Safety and Digital Security Issues.

  • Documenting violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity "SOGI".

  • Writing & Publishing Country Reports

  • Creating documentary films introducing the political, social, cultural, and religious contexts in which LGBTQI individuals live in and document their life experience and oral history living as Queer individuals in Egypt and Sudan.
